Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Announcements: Updates:
Announcements: Updates 1. Author Index [Info] Ahmad, Faiz. » Navigating Dual Marginalization: Urmila Pawar's Autobiography and the Dalit Woman's Experience.« TIJER 10 (2023): 393-395. [Info] Ahmad, Shahid. » A Narrative Structure Analysis of Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones.« Social Sciences & Humanities 31 (2023): 383-400. [Info] Barbosa, Jéssica L, et al. » A questão traumática na pedofilia: uma investigação na obra Lolita.« ACiS 11 (2023): 133-147. [Info] Blechior, Marcela Santoro Müller. Violência feminina em cena: a subversão do "rape revenge" em Violation e Promising Young Woman. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, Universidade Federal Fluminense, 2022. [Info] Bosman, Frank G. »"I Am Not Good at Any of This." Playing with Homoeroticism in The Arabian Nights.« religions 12 (2021). [Info] Crimi,Giuseppe. » Primi appunti per il testo e il Commento della Zaffetta di Lorenzo Venier:« Comico, eroicomico, satirico, umoristico. Edited by F. Brancati et al. 2022: 10-30. [Info] Doniger, Wendy. The Ring of Truth: And Other Myths of Sex and Jewelry. New York, 2017. [Info] Douglas, R.M. »Neither Apathetic nor Empathetic: Investigating and Prosecuting the Rape of German Civilians by U.S. Servicemen in 1945.« Journal of Military History 87 (2023): 404-437. [Info] Du, Chunmei. »Rape in Peking: Injured Woman, Microhistory and Global Trial.« Gender & History (March 14, 2023). [Info] Human Rights Council. "I lost my dignity": Sexual and gender-based violence in the Syrian Arab Republic. 2018. [Info] Ghanim, David. The Sexual World of the Arabian Nights. Cambridge 2018. [Info] Halaburda, Carlos G. »Necropolítica del himen naturalista: virginidad, excedentes de vida y poder soberano en Santa (1903), El hijo del Estado (1884) y El himen en México (1885).« Symposium 77 (2023): 14-33. [Info] Havryshko, Marta. »Rape on Trial: Criminal Justice Actors in 1940s' Soviet Ukraine and Sexual Violence During the Holocaust«. No Neighbors' Lands in Postwar Europe. Edited by A. Wylega?a et al. Cham 2023: 205-227. [Info] Karlén, Julia. Var går gränsen? En analys av våldet i och didaktiken runt Karin Smirnoffs Jana Kippo-svit. Examensarbetet, Mittuniversitetet, 2022. [Info] Park, Haram, et al. » Japanese Military "Comfort Women" Knowledge Graph: Linking Fragmented Digital Records.« Informaion Technology snd Libraries (2023): 1-16. [Info] Perini, Lorenza. Cultura dello stupro in Italia dal Massacro del Circeo ad Oggi: Caratteristiche e criticita' Attraverso l'analisi di tre casi indici. Tesi, 2023. [Info] Rai, Pradeep. »Ethical Dilemma of Abortion in Francine Rivers' Novel 'The Atonement Child'.« Chintan-Dhara 17 (2023): 54-63. [Info] Rieder-Zagkla, Stephanie. »"... die Magd kam aus dem Hause noch vor ihrer Entbindung": Narrationen über Dienstmä:gde in Scheidungsakten zwischen 1800 und 1867.« Ötreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften 33 (2022): 193-205. [Info] Rinser, Laura, et al. Abschlussbericht. Aufarbeitung und Dokumentation des sexuellen Missbrauchs von katholischen Priestern und anderen im Dienst der katholischen Kirche stehenden Personen an Minderjährigen in Mecklenburg von 1946 bis 1989. Ulm 2023. [Info] Schettini, Laura. La violenza contro le donne nei processi penali dei primi decenni del '900 nel padovano. Tesi, Università degli Studi di Padova, 2023. [Info] Schmiesing, Jürgen, et al. Sexualisierte Gewalt an Minderjährigen sowie schutz- und hilfebedü,rftigen Erwachsenen durch Kleriker im Bistum Osnabrück seit 1945. Zwischenbericht: Pflichtverletzungen der Bistumsleitung . Osnabrück 2022. [Info] Sumiyori, Likou S. Silêncio e Invisibilidade : A violência sexual contra a mulher nas bases militares norte-americanas de Okinawa (1947-2016). Trabalho de conclusão de curso, Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2023. [Info] Smith, Jill S. »Sounds of Silence: Rape and Representation in Juli Zeh's Bosnian Travelogue.« German Women's Writing in the Twenty-First. Edited by Hester Baer et al. Cambridge 2021: 175-196. [Info] Weber, Ulrich, et al. Erfahren. Verstehen. Vorsorgen. Studie zu Taten gegen die sexuelle Selbstbestimmung seit 1945 im Verantwortungsbereich des Bistums Mainz. 2023. 2. Speaker Index [Info] Zednik, Stefan. »Pater Jacob Marell: Eine Missbrauchsgeschichte aus dem 17. Jahrhundert.« Aus Religion und Gesellschaft Deutschlandfunk, 2023. 1. Topical Index Representations: Literary Texts: Arabian Nights, Lorenzo Venier |